New SANC Modules available for download!

SANC Project Download.

SANC Client.

Combined SANC Client Version 1.10.00 for Linux and Windows:



SANC Modules.

SANC NC package (Neutral Current processes modules).

The previous versions of SANC NC package you can find in SANC Archives.

In v1.30 package new processes and options are introduced. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.22 package one bug in the library is fixed and new options are introduced. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.10 package the f1f1HZ processes are added. For description of the f1f1HZ processes please refer to the paper D. Bardin et al., Comput. Phys. Comm. 177 (2007) 738-756. Details are in the file CHANGES.

This package is intended for calculation of the 1-loop radiative correction to Drell-Yan Neutral Current processes at partonic level. For a Technical Description of this module please refer to the paper Eur. Phys. J. C54 (2008) 451.

SANC CC package (Charged Current processes modules).

The previous versions of SANC CC package you can find in SANC Archives.

In v1.60 package the modules for new processes are added. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.51 package some changes are made. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.41 package some changes are made. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.31 package some changes are made. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.20 package the modules for new processes are added. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.11 package some bugs in the QCD soft-virtual part are fixed. Details are in the file CHANGES.

This package is intended for calculation of the 1-loop radiative correction to Drell-Yan Charged Current processes at partonic level, see A. Arbuzov et al., Eur. Phys. J. C46 (2006) 407.

SANC 4b package.

This package is intended for calculation of the 1-loop full EW correction to four bosons processes like light-by-light scattering, see D. Bardin et al., "Light-by-light scattering in SANC", hep-ph/0611188. Current processes: Z3A decay and AA->AA, AA->ZA, AA->ZZ scattering.

SANC JAW packages.

This packages are intended for calculation of JAW functions arising at the reduction of infrared divergent box diagrams.

SANC Integrators.

MCSANC Integrator.

The mcsanc program is a Monte Carlo tool that allows to calculate NLO EW and QCD integrated and differential cross sections for several processes in proton-proton collisions.

SANC Generators.

ReneSANCe MC event generator

ReneSANCe is a Monte Carlo event generator for simulation of processes at electron-positron colliders. It takes into account complete one-loop and some higher-order electroweak radiative corrections with finite particle masses and polarizations.

In ReneSANCe v1.3.0 implemented hadron-hadron collision mode. Documentation is available on the website

Drell-Yan Neutral Current processes generator.

The previous versions of SANC NC generator you can find in SANC Archives.

In v1.10 package the Les Houches format event files is introduced. Details are in the file CHANGES.

In v1.01 package the modules are taken from the sanc_nc_v1.01 package. Details are in the file CHANGES.

This SANC generator is intended for generation of unweighted events of the Drell-Yan Neutral Current processes at hadronic level taking into account the 1-loop EW radiative correction using the FOAM algorithm. Please read the instructions (in tgz file) for using this package.

Drell-Yan Charged Current processes generator.

The previous versions of SANC CC generator you can find in SANC Archives.

This SANC generator is intended for generation of unweighted events of the Drell-Yan Charged Current processes at hadronic level taking into account the 1-loop EW radiative correction using the FOAM algorithm. Please read the instructions (in tgz file) for using this package. In v1.00 package the modules are taken from the sanc_cc_v1.02 package.